"Naked Kitchen" follows the story of a creative married couple, West (Christian Wilde)...
With: Apryl Rein, Christian Wilde, Jake Waters
"Naked Kitchen" follows the story of a creative married couple, West (Christian Wilde) and Amelia (Apryl Rein), in the weeks leading up to the grand opening of West's restaurant. To celebrate the occasion, Amelia decides to get West a gift, but when her errand goes awry, she ends up having an unexpected encounter with a stranger. She immediately confesses her infidelity to West. With the restaurant opening fast approaching, they agree to keep the fighting short and put it behind them... until the stranger unexpectedly shows up on their doorstep! Amelia realizes the stranger is none other than Joon (Jake Waters), a friend of West’s from culinary school. Joon has come to stay for the weekend, collaborating with West on the menu. Just when Amelia thought she was in the clear, she finds herself with a new secret to keep... and she's not the only one. When all is revealed, the menu Joon and West prepared turns into a war zone of food, sex, and fantasy.
Sporty, muscular, well-built guys, it's going to be a very tight game...
With: Brian Bonds, Cyrus, Roman Todd, Shadow, Theo Brady
Sporty, muscular, well-built guys, it's going to be a very tight game...
Lurking in and out of dark alleys, a group of smoking hot, sex-crazed and ridiculously hung...
With: Alexander Gustavo, Boomer Banks, Casey More, Colton Grey, Dylan Knight, Jimmy Durano, Sebastian Kross
Lurking in and out of dark alleys, a group of smoking hot, sex-crazed and ridiculously hung hunks are Cruising for Ass, and you better believe that each of them finds what they are looking for: the hottest butts around.