With: Marco Parelli, Ruan del Montes, Sydney Mckenna, Constantyn Fvister
Life is fast and furious! Everything is doubly intense! Even Antoine Mallet's cock has doubled since Pressbook! His 24cm are to be found amongst the secret meetings in the cellars, car parks, deserted offices and warehouses. Everybody cheats. Who's betraying who? They keep their games secret so as to keep them alive! It's a viscious circle. After SOS and Safari City, Cadinot releases the third part of his trilogy. Never before has he shown the relationships between guys with such force and passion.
With: Antoine Mallet, Esteban Pires, Jérôme Galfion, Fabian Nexman, Quentin Sullivan, Marc Montevrin, Arnaud Demonge, Romain Vandeveld, Yannis Grathos, Marco Parelli, Cédric Armin, Mirko Zanelli, Rodolphe Vacano
As per usual, Cadinot sees our universe differently. Making things happen, having the audacity to obtain what one wants or who one desires: c'est la vie! Letting oneself be carried by the general motion and voluntarily submitting oneself to the desires of others: c'est la vie! Creating a future by breaking a past choice: c'est la vie! Stopping everything and taking time to take and give intense pleasure to two or three people wherever one happens to be: c'est la vie! In a city, the young man, a married workman, a librarian, a nurse, a clerk - each in turn come up against the reality of existence! Let yourself be penetrated! It's our life! This film takes you even further than "Double en Jeu".